Monday, October 12, 2009

Job Interview Tips

Job Interview Tips

Doing Your Homework For Job Interviews

Doing Your Homework For Job Interviews
Maybe you breezed through college and have been able to “wing it” better than most, but when it comes to job interviews, if you don’t spend time doing your homework, it could cost you the offer.

10 Steps to Pitch Yourself and Elevate Your Career

10 Steps to Pitch Yourself and Elevate Your Career
Imagine this scenario: You're in a lift. The doors open and someone walks in. You glance at the newcomer and – it's Dato' Lim Kok Wing! Dato' Tony Fernandes! Bill Gates! This is the opportunity of a lifetime, and you've got one elevator ride - just 30 seconds or even less – to introduce yourself and impress Dato' Lim, Dato’ Tony or Bill enough to hire you.

Tell Me About Yourself

Tell Me About Yourself
The "Tell me about yourself" question is probably as old as dinosaurs but it is also one of the toughest questions to be asked as well.

Interview: The Impression You Create When You Fail to Turn Up

Interview: The Impression You Create When You Fail to Turn Up
When your potential interviewer short listed you for a job interview, you are supposed to take it seriously and turn up for the interview, even if the sky were to fall that day.

Top 10 Interview Mistakes

Top 10: Interview Mistakes
Most of the time, potential job candidates are not aware of the mistakes they make before and during the interview. These small mistakes that might cost them a job.

10 General Interview Tips

Top 10: General Interview Tips
Majority of the interviewees go to an interview without much preparation. These ten interview tips will help you go through an interview with a breeze!

What To Wear To An Interview

What To Wear To An Interview
You have made it through and have been called for an interview for the job you are applying for. What should you wear to the interview?

Preparation For An Interview - How Important is this to you?

Preparation For An Interview - How Important is this to you?
Many of us have applied to many companies and positions, yet were found to be unsuitable for the position. So how do we know which job is suitable? How do we prepare for an interview and job application?

How To Negotiate for A Better Salary
Graduates these days find salary negotiations to being a very difficult aspect and experience during an interview with a prospective employer - whether they are experienced or have just graduated. So how do we negotiate for a better salary?

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